so, what inspired this?
a bunch of stuff! one of them being the old internet. i got internet access relatively late, compared to my peers (and mobile data even later, i remember not being able to play pokemon go cuz of that) so i didnt really get to experience the old world of blogs and forums. well, they were probably there, i was just too busy watching funny song parodies on youtube (literally how i learned english). so i feel this nostalgia, for a place ive never really been to. it used to be better, right?
the more immediate inspiration, the thing that actually caused me to make this website, was rediscovering while going through my bookmarks. i *tried* replicating the structure of it. tried my best, okay? i just suddenly felt that this could be a good idea. we'll see.
so what is this?
well, im not entirely sure yet.
it wont be a diary! written diaries are just not for me. i know, cuz i already tried when i was maybe 12? i was too scared of someone else reading it and it ended up burning in the furnance. honestly, i dont regret it that much. besides, i already keep a diary, just using a different medium. an audio diary! i call them my audiologs, inspired by those things u find in games like bioshock (havent played it! watched part of a playthrough tho). ive been recording them every day (with maybe 5 days missing in total - the pc i used to record them on broke down) since 28.02.2022.
so, i will definitely ramble in these. maybe i could do reviews? i found that i dont really *reflect* on media i experienced (i hate the word "consumed" im not a parasite!!) which is BAD. very bad. i need to be doing that if i ever want to make art. man, writing like this makes me realize how lacking my vocabulary is. i DO know *some* bigger words (english not being my first langauge is hardly an excuse, i literally use it more than polish in my daily life) but i cant seem to find good places to use them. And should I be writing like this? I don't do it this way anywhere else.
i will *try* my best to actually use this website. add new bookmarks, new notes, new art. we'll see!